Ultimate Red Zone Ticket Summon
[Majin Buu Saga]!
Use the Summon Tickets obtained from
"Ultimate Red Zone [Majin Buu Saga]" to recruit characters!
Start Date:

Ultimate Red Zone
Ticket Summon
[Majin Buu Saga]
is on!

All the available characters in this Summon Event
are "Majin Buu Saga" Category characters of
SR or SSR rarity!

Perform summons with the Summon Tickets
obtained through the extremely challenging event
"Ultimate Red Zone [Majin Buu Saga]"!

= Certain Featured Characters =

= Red Zone Ticket =

You can only use the Red Zone Tickets obtained from
"Ultimate Red Zone [Majin Buu Saga]" to perform summons
in this Summon Event. A Red Zone Ticket can be used to
perform a Single-Summon, and 7 Red Zone Tickets can
be used to perform a Multi-Summon that allows you to
recruit 7 characters!

Obtain Summon Tickets through the missions of
the ongoing Challenge Event "Ultimate Red Zone
[Majin Buu Saga]

* You can recruit 7 characters by performing a Multi-Summon.

* Performing a Multi-Summon will not guarantee you an
SSR character.

= Characters Who Can Be
Dokkan Awakened into LR =

[Revived and Lawless Majin] Buu (Super)
[Support for Rival] Vegeta (Angel)
[Covert Masked Fighter] Mighty Mask
[Dark Desires Awoken] Majin Vegeta

* Certain characters listed above are not featured characters.

* Please note that other than the characters listed above,
characters who can be Dokkan Awakened into LR will not
be available in this Summon Event.

= Event Period =

Permanently available.

* If you cannot see information such as "Dokkan
Awakening", "Category" or "Growth" in the game,
try restarting the application.

* The list of available characters of this Summon Event
will not be updated in the future.

* This Summon Event will not be displayed on the
"Summon" page if you do not have a "Red Zone Ticket".

* Please note for skills that specify a character name,
it is possible that future characters are also excluded
from the list of applicable characters even if it is not
specified in the skill description.

* Please tap the "Character Summon Rates" on
the Summon page to check the complete list
of available characters.

* The character images displayed in announcements may be
different from the images shown on "Character Details" pages.

* Please note that the event content and dates are
subject to change without prior warning.

We hope you continue to enjoy playing
Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle!